been there, done that

Hey guys!

The world is in a weird place right now to say least.
Who would have thought in 2020 humans would be encouraged to stay indoors while penguins at the aquarium are roaming freely!

Whilst participating in social distancing I have done a lot of thinking…

I need to prioritize myself.
I have to be my own biggest fan.
Practice what I preach!

I’ve decided to use this irregular period of ‘open’ time to further invest in myself.

Give all the thoughts I’ve scribbled on pieces of paper and shoved in notebooks space to expand.

I’m a go-getter. I’m ambitious.
All that good stuff that creates a somebody.

However, with positives come negatives.

I have a very difficult time relaxing. Chilling out — doing nothing.

Previously I felt that time spent resting, reading, watching YouTube videos, or doing “non-productive” tasks was wasteful.
I could be working to make money, brainstorming blog topics, or building other skills!

Not doing things that allow your mind to take a break and rest, ladies and gentlemen, is how you burn yourself out. 🙂

I didn’t quite realize I was guilty of this until I listened to THIS Self-Made CEO episode.

This podcast created by, entrepreneur and life-coach, Adrienne Finch has changed my life.

No joke.

I fell out of routine with listening to it and totally noticed a shift in my mood and productivity.
Not for the better, haha.

Over the past month I have actively been working mindfulness, meditation, and gratitude practices into my daily routine.

Although life around me has been crazy, I’ve felt stable (for the most part) internally.

This may all sound like bullshit. 

I get it — I was skeptical too!

But taking the time to introspectively evaluate yourself; who you are is so beneficial.

You are able to heal yourself.

You do not need anyone or anything to complete you.

You are whole.

Once you’re able to become your best self, you are able to give your best self to others. 

I encourage you all to find one positive aspect of whatever you’re experiencing.

I know we are all experiencing change on a large scale, however, I hope after reading this you’re able to find at least one light in the darkness!

Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller stresses the importance of signaling change when beginning a journey of growth.

The world is signaling change.
Begin your journey.

I’m a firm believer that everything will be okay in the end. 

We have all gone through challenges and struggles before. 
The first time is always the hardest.
Everything after comes easily.

Talk to y’all soon,

2 responses to “been there, done that”

  1. Great reminder. We need to make the time to recharge. It’s all a balance. Nice post Alex!


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